C-MOR and Find More Customers for Your Dispensary

Camp C-Mor

Find more customers and increase your store traffic

Optimize marketing and boost same store sales

No POS, customer data or systems integration required

Based on 30 million person consumer panel

All CA dispensaries with CO and MI available soon

Marketing Optimization & Recommendations for Dispensary Operators and Marketing Agencies

Understand, Find and Activate More Customers Based on Unique Cannabis Industry Data Sets

C-MOR is a smart, cloud-based analytics platform with location specific intelligence to help you understand your customers and target marketing to bring more customers into your dispensary and boost same store sales

We've geo-fenced every CA dispensary to provide the most comprehensive picture of the dispensary customer, visit trends, socio-demographic profiles, lifestyle interests and home ZIPs

C-MOR identifies the areas you are getting the most visits from AND our expert system recommends areas with the highest potential to generate new customer traffic for your specific location

Operators can quickly plan and execute super efficient local and mobile marketing to bring new customers into their location(s) and keep them coming back

C-MOR is integrated with dozens of cannabis industry data sources and automatically updates so that your customer intelligence and marketing results are monitored based on fresh, real-world data

With C-MOR you will add a new level of accuracy, confidence and performance to your marketing and store decision making.

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to our BETA program



Compare your store visits and trends over time period over period and same period last year.


Understand your customer demographics, lifestyle interests and cross shop behavior based on our 30mn US consumer panel and local area demographics.


Drill into the areas your customers visit from and what nearby areas are you NOT getting customers from but should be?


Benchmark your visit performance vs. competitors based on visit data for all dispensaries in your city and state.


Target marketing and promotional spend based on recommendations on areas and events with the most potential to generate new visits and same store sales.


Improve assortment decisions based on facts about your customers’ lifestyle interests, socio-demographic profiles and cross-shopping behavior.


Plan targeted local event marketing and inventory buys based on a 2 month forward view and estimated attendance for the biggest events in your area. 


Your location is already geo-fenced so we’re ready to “switch on” hyper-local intelligence whenever you are.


C-MOR is already integrated with key cannabis industry data sets so you will always be working with the most accurate intelligence and don’t need to worry about updates, integrations, or extracts.


Customer intelligence and recommendations are easily accessible 24/7 through our self-serve Google Looker platform

What Are my Customer Visit Trends?
Who Are My Customers?
Where Are My Customers Coming From and Where Else Should I Be Targeting?

This is how C-MOR can work for you