Four barriers to AI innovation

Nick Afonsky/ June 14, 2021/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

I’ve been involved with data engineering, analytics for a couple of decades, and with AI and machine learning for about 10 years now. Long enough to see plenty of “shiny objects” and trends flare and fizzle. But not innovation – because making or discovering something new and useful is what gives organizations a reason for being and keeps them ahead of customer expectations and competitors.

NRF 2020 – First Day Done and Dusted

Nick Afonsky/ January 12, 2020/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Very excited to be back at NRF to meet with clients, friends, and former colleagues! I’m focused on AI solutions for Grocery and finding many options across computer vision, autonomous check-out, forecasting & planning, and customer intelligence. Look here for updates and insights on each of these areas